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时间:2023-07-12 15:14 阅读:95653 来源:欧洲华文电视台






大家好,我是Irene Pivetti,来自意大利。目前担任意中友好协会主席,同时也是世界绿色设计组织的荣誉主席。非常高兴受到门头沟区政府的邀请来到这个绿水青山的地方,参加绿色引领发展 生态绘就未来 永定河绿色发展论坛”。并与大家一同探讨绿色技术与绿色发展的话题







Good morning everyone, I am Irene Pivette from Italy. I am currently the President of Italy-China Friendship Association, and also the honorary President of the World Green Design Organization. I am very glad to receive this kind invitation from Mentougou District Peoples Government of Beijing Municipality, to come this beautiful place with great natural scenery and attend this Forum. It will be a great time to have discussions with you on the green technology and green development.

We are right now in the process of deep transformation, facing serious environmental challenges, climate change, pollution and extinction of bio-diversity. The key to solve those problems is how we are making use of and develop green technologies. Green technology is not only providing environmental solution plan, but actually, changing the the method we are dealing with the Earth and thus brings a sustainable future for mankind.

We need to encourage innovation, promote technology progress and apply green technology widely. The green technology plays an irreplaceable role, no matter in energy, construction and transport sectors, or agriculture and industrial production sectors.

We should further build a green design mentality, which is an effective and efficient methodology, and able to balance the relationship among product, living and ecology from the source and very beginning. We should regard them as a whole system, as they are originally an organic integrity. Green design emphasizes specially to the systematicness, economy and sustainability. Green development would not last for long without consideration of economy. World Green Design Organization (WGDO) has been broadcasting green design concept worldwide, granting rewards to leading green design outcomes, promoting application widely of green technologies and materials, working relentless to add the Green Design to the topics of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

China is one of the most important engine of the global green development. The green development in China makes great sense to the whole world. It is highly hoped that each of us could concern about the environment, ecology and practice green concept in our life. In this way, we can achieve our green dream.

We are looking forward to witnessing the green development practices in Mengoutou to be granted with the International Contribution Award from WGDO.欧洲华文电视台记者 周星妤

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