



电话:0039 3926198888




时间:2021-07-13 13:41 阅读:2661 来源:网络

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
我们很高兴有请记者及意大利前众议院院长,艾琳.皮维蒂女士, 参加本次节目。
Good evening and welcome to our show where we have the pleasure to have with us the ex-President of the Chamber, journalist and much more, Mrs. Irene Pivetti, good evening.
意大利前众议院院长,艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Good evening.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
We are dealing with a very topical topic that we hear a lot about in television broadcasts and not only: the coronavirus, a question that mobilized the whole world, did you get an idea of what is going on in the world?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
The coronavirus took us all by surprise, or rather, by stealth. 
It arrived without being noticed, it is an epidemic of a terrible virus because it kills but it has no sensationla manifestations and therefore arriving in winter it can easily be mistaken for bronchitis, pneumonia, which are seasonal ailments. 
And this has contributed greatly to confusing the ideas even to the most careful analysts and to make it think that it was not an epidemic, so i think the arrival of this disease has been particularly cruel.
Today the virus is putting China to the test and i am truly admired by the great compactness with which the chinese people are responding, a good will, the ability to collaborate, to find a right answer all together to be able to reopen the factories, and this amazes me so much.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
You rightly named China where it all started. 
The World Health Organization (WHO) has triggered a global alarm, a global plan to get out of this epidemic, also involing Italy. 
Is it necessary to intervene all together to try to mitigate and resolve the phenomena?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Certainly. A global response is needed for epidemics als because the world is globalized, people travel, and in addition to transporting culture, they also carry microbes.
The WHO, and as an italian i’m proud to say it, immediately appreciated how Italy responded to the virus. Italy is a very organized country, with a lot of experience in dealing with emergency situations.
I would like Italy to be able to make this ‘know-how’ available in fighting the disease even outside the country. In particular, i refer to the friendly country which is China with which we also signed the belt and road memorandum, about a year ago.
Nobody at the time could have thought of giving this signature this meaning. I wish it was the first answer we can give.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
The first case also occured in Italy on 23 January we are directly involved.
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Absolutely yes. But we would still be involved: many chinese live here, many chinese leave and arrive here even though direct flights have been closed, many still arrive from China via other European cities. 
Furtheremore, not much is known about this virus and how it can be transmitted. I personally feel very peaceful and secure but in air travel the thing that worried me was not the people who come and go, but the air i breathed. There the air is recycled, so i think the fears in this case are legitimate.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
Many chinese people are in Italy.
We need to do something more to get out of this coronavirus even being close to the chinese people.
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
This for sure!

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
There have also been cases of...fear, perhaps?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
I believe that fear does not make you stupid, if out of fear you have to treat someone in a discriminatory way... as if the virus affects the chinese! Regardless of whether the virus developed in China, it affects anyone!
Regarding the chinese who are in italy, i realy appreciate this discipline of giving oneself self-quarantine. I think it should be done by anyone.
For example, i should have been in China just in this period. If i had gone, on my return i would have been isolated for 15 days. For your own health but also for that of your loved ones, right?
The chinese community in Milan asked me to bring a medical center close to the chinese who are putting themselves in quarantine, in short, support this self-quarantine with closer health care.
They are all fine, but if someone develops the symptoms we must be able to give them the necessary assistance. 

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
UN secretary general Guterres said he was concerned about discrimination and human rights abuses because this epidemic can become ever wider. Is there this risk?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
举个例子:意大利制造。 我本人将要开设一系列大型店面,在哪里你可以品尝意大利产品,购买意大利时装,还可以创建活动,聚会,课程,倡议聚会场所。
Well, it is true that this epidemic is cooling China’s international relations.
China was opening up a lot: the belt and road initiative is an example of a very interesting international opening, which Xi jinping’s government will certainly want to maintain.
But it will have to modulate its forms. For example: made in Italy.
I myself was about to open a series of large clubs where you could taste italian products, buy italian fashion but also create events, parties, courses, initiatives, meeting places.
All the commercial development of China is based on this aggregation, this whole part will be postponed for a while, not forever. Because it will not be enough to find the vaccine but to return to the festive aggregation habits that were there before.
Surely we will have to rethink our relations with China, and China will certainly rethink its relations with the rest of the world. 

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
Another example, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau spoke of the possibility of discrimination based on fear and misinformation, which are perhaps the vehicles on which discrimination itself travels.
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
我很高兴华人社区不仅能为自己维持公民的角色,而且还能在沟通,政治方面发挥自己的作用... 因为即使是最愚蠢的人,也能理解,华人社区在意大利是非常配合,高度整合的社区。
Definitely. It is important to do a correct information work not only on medicine, but also on the chinese community. I am happy if the chinese community mantains its civil role not only for itself, but also in terms of communication, political presence... because it helps even the most foolish to understand that it is a very collaborative, highly integrated community in the Italian community.
I would avoid any schematism because it certainly doesn’t help.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
Back to the epidemic: there are some exceptions in China.
I’m talking about Tibet, what do you think about it?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Tibet is a very interesting case. Perhaps because of the altitude, for a more rustic lifestyle, less involved with chemistry, i don’t know. Scientists must tell us, there is no epidemic phenomenon.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
There is only one case.
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Well compared to an entire population... definitely an interesting case. Perhaps it is also due to the relative isolation of this region, relative because it has opened up a lot to the rest of the world, certainly a reflection must be made.
In this case perhaps the law that Americans have decided to vote... the ‘Tibet Act’, is particularly inappropriate. Because at this moment, so important for China, where China must eradicate a disease that threatens the whole world, a law that attacks China on human rights i find it very inappropriate.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
A provocation?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Provocation is perhaps excessive, i would say inappropriate. 
And i don’t think it was wanted because if this were the case, the marketing strategies of American politics would have to be reviewed. 

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
China considers it an interference in the country’s internal affairs. 
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
And this was taken for granted, China was always considered interference all aggressive actions on the Tibetan theme and all in all they are a bit.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
There is also this proposal by the United States to get to Tibet, to Lhasa, and set up a consulate.
What do you think of this?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
I say that “it’s easier said than done”. Here, this thing seems to me more a provocation.
I must also say that the strength and stability of chinese government must not fear these things. I have seen China, particulary with President Xi, make great strides in “governing complexity”.
Relations with Trump’s America that are not a problem, they are a game, not a problem.
Also manage relations with North Korea, which is a “nuisance” for everyone, however Xi managed to handle this situation.
I mean that this modern, complex, richer and mentally open China is able to manage, without suffering from it, situations that in other times would have made the empire creak. So i thing President Xi is worried about coronavirus much more than a hypothetical American consulate right now. And the day it should be done, he will say “welcome, take a seat and see how things are”.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
Let’s close this meeting by returning to the main theme: coronavirus, we have entered specifically, from China to Tibet, but as we said this is a global problem. 
What do we hope for the future, what do we hope will happen in this coming days?
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
我希望在近期或长期来看,能够找到疫苗,希望可以确保安全, 总而言之:我很欣赏中国政府对疫情遏制所做的工作,并向所有人提供了有关如何进行预防的指示。
例如,关于口罩的价格等。 当需求增加时,市场会上升:但是它们是救生的工具!你如何以4欧元的价格出售 0.30欧元的口罩?
Well, in the medium/long term we hope that cures, the vaccine will be found, we hope that safety can be guaranteed for this disease, in the short term: i’m appreciating how the chinese government is working to stem this disease, offering everyone directives on how prevention can be done. 
I hope that the market can be stabilized, because a speculative vortex has been created that has impressed me a little. For example on the prices of the masks, etc. Of course, when there is more demand, the market goes up: but they are life-saving devices!
How can you sell a mask that costs 30 cents for 4 euros?
These things disturbed me deeply. So i would like to see these speculation phenomena cease immediately. 
There are many generous people who are working for free to help China and the chinese people overcome this difficult time. I hope speculators are quickly cornered.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
It is hoped that everything can be resolved as soon as possible also because this process of opening up China is likely to slow down. 
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
We hope it will not slow down, and we hope that it will find another form through collaboration, for example on the health front but also on the security front, on the civil protection front. China set up the civil protection ministry last year.
So on a front and a little more backward than the worldliness on which we liked to talk, we hope that the welding between this modern China and our world, which is brother, will become even more solid.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
I thank the honorable Irene Pivetti for our meeting, thank you!
意大利前众议院院长艾琳.皮维蒂Irene Pivetti):
Thanks to you.

记者,安东尼奥.班迪努Antonio Bandinu):
I also thank our viewers for their attention and wish you a good continuation!

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